Comforting for PTSD, Anxiety and Stress

Comforting for PTSD, Anxiety and Stress

The weight is distributed evenly and wraps around you like a hug. Weighted blankets are commonly used to help prepare the body for sleep.  The RAVI compact and portable version lets you take your comfort with you – anywhere you go. Traumatic experiences can have...
RAVI Weighted blankets for comforting kids with hugs

RAVI Weighted blankets for comforting kids with hugs

Comforting Children with Hugs Comforting Hugs are known to cause a release of a waterfall of happiness chemistry into the body. Weighted blanket are used for calming children in therapy situations as well as creating more happiness in their daily life.  Hugs (real and...


Let’s talk Parasympathetic.  Just what is your Parasympathetic nervous system anyway?  Your senses take in your surroundings and give you information about your environment so that your body can be ready to react to Survive or Thrive. Your Autonomous Nervous...