Team RAVI met the incredible NuPower Yoga leader, Linda Fenelon at the Asheville Yoga Festival in 2019.  NuPower invited Lori, RAVI creator, to come is as a guest teacher and lead a Power RAVI Flow.

Vinyasa Flow with RAVI Weighted Blankets changes up the flow and the feel of familiar shapes.

Adding a RAVI over an extended arm in a balance – RAVI adds weight to the body and shifts the center of Gravity.  Not to mention the static hold!!  Strength and Balance.

Use RAVI to pull you into a stretch.  RAVI Forward Fold: Folding the RAVI over crossed forearms in a forward fold, pulls you towards the ground.

RAVI Legs Up Flow to stretch and strengthen

RAVI Legs Up Flow to stretch and strengthen

RAVI as a yoga prop is innovative and fun. RAVI Legs up Flow is a RAVI signature series with lots of options. Here is an introduction to a few shapes to stretch and strengthen the legs and core. In the RAVI Legs up Flow you experience: Stretch by using leverage...

Boat Pose and the RAVI Effects on Center of Mass

Boat Pose and the RAVI Effects on Center of Mass

Adding RAVI to a core strengthening pose like boat pose is a unique opportunity to target the strengthening effects. We are able to manipulate the center of mass (balance point) of the body by strategically adding weight. RAVI allows you to do this in a safe and...

Standing Forward Fold + Heavy Roll Up

Standing Forward Fold + Heavy Roll Up

Standing Forward Fold and The Heavy Roll Up Forward folds stretch the back body and invite the body to relax in and surrender. The sensation of stretch can be felt from the bottoms of the feet all the way along the back body to the base of the skull. Folds also...




NuPower is a welcoming Yoga + Barre Studio in Nashville TN.  Offerings include:

RAVI – of course:)

Sculpt with NuBells = Weight training + Yoga + Barre + Circuit

Flow + Mindfulness   &  Yin + Restore + Mindfulness.

If your in Nasheville – NuPower should be your tribe!

RAVI Studio Props

Our Studio Sets include the RAVI Handbook and discount on the Digital Teacher Training (coming soon)