by Lori Skerjanz | Apr 13, 2021 | RestorativeYoga, YinStretches, Yoga with RAVI: A Guide to Stretch, Calm, Strengthen and Balance
Bound Angle | Butterfly | Baddha Konasana This pose has several different names and is practiced in many of the modalities of yoga. It is a staple pose for the flexibility and health of the hips. It can also have the feeling of some hard edges. There are many ways...
by Lori Skerjanz | Nov 4, 2020 | Create more Calm in your Everyday Life with RAVI weighted blankets, RAVI Weighted Blankets: An Effective Way to Meditate, RAVI Weighted Blankets: An Effective Way to Reduce Stress, RAVI: A Weighted Blanket for Anxiety and Stress, Yoga with RAVI: A Guide to Stretch, Calm, Strengthen and Balance
When we meditate, we inject far-reaching and long-lasting benefits into our lives: We lower our stress levels, we get to know our pain, we connect better, we improve our focus, and we’re kinder to ourselves. Mindfulness Meditation helps us to...
by Lori Skerjanz | Oct 30, 2020 | RestorativeYoga, YinStretches, Yoga with RAVI: A Guide to Stretch, Calm, Strengthen and Balance
Childs Pose | Balasana “Sometimes, in order to open up, we actually need a moment to pull back inward. To calm, insulate, and rest. Child’s pose provides a quiet moment to release effort and work, agendas and expectations and...
by Lori Skerjanz | Oct 27, 2020 | StrengthPoses, Yoga with RAVI: A Guide to Stretch, Calm, Strengthen and Balance
Adding RAVI to a core strengthening pose like boat pose is a unique opportunity to target the strengthening effects. We are able to manipulate the center of mass (balance point) of the body by strategically adding weight. RAVI allows you to do this in a safe and...
by Lori Skerjanz | Oct 15, 2020 | YinStretches, Yoga with RAVI: A Guide to Stretch, Calm, Strengthen and Balance
In the Hatha Yoga tradition, this pose is named Gomukhasana which translates to cow face pose. Many yoga postures are named from nature. When viewed from the front, the knees resemble the snout and the arms resemble the ears. In the YIN Practice, the pose is named...