Bound Angle | Butterfly | Baddha Konasana
This pose has several different names and is practiced in many of the modalities of yoga. It is a staple pose for the flexibility and health of the hips. It can also have the feeling of some hard edges. There are many ways that you can prepare the shape with props to help overcome discomfort

Getting into the pose
Begin Seated on the floor or on a blanket
Bring the soles of the feet together and let the knees fall out to the sides
If your low back is rounding due to tightness in the hips you can seat yourself higher up on a blanket or a folded RAVI to give your hips more space. You can also lay back onto the floor or onto a bolster.
If you are feeling a lot of pressure from the weight of the knees pulling on your hips – stack blankets or roll a RAVI under your knees to provide more support

Adding Feet to Soften the Edges
Feet: Soft anchor – add the RAVI folded across the feet. The effect of adding a weight to help hold the feet in place is that the body relaxes the muscles that are helping to hold the legs in the position. Often you are unaware that you are trying to hold the shape in muscle until the moment that something else takes on the work of the hold and your body automatically relaxes. By using weight as an anchor, your body softens and stretch reaches deeper into the body.

Anchor Hips for grounding

Anchor or Torque or Combination
Torque is the force that is put on a lever. In this case the knee is off the ground and the hip is on the ground. By placing weight on the knee – you are increasing the torque load – which adds pressure on the stretch. Some people do relax when they feel a deep stretch.
Anchoring – If you feel like adding torque is over the edge you can switch to anchoring the knees. Place props (RAVI, blocks, bolsters, blankets, etc) under the knees to support the natural fall of the knee. If it feels right, you can add the RAVI over the knee to add to the anchoring effect. The leg is both held up and reduces the torque and anchored so that the body relaxes.
Forward Fold Variations
Reclined Variations

Soften the Edges to Create more Grounding with RAVI
Adding weight = new Awareness