RAVI helps you deepen into your twist by using Anchor and Torque
Twists benefit the body in so many ways.
Stretching the fascia and the connective tissue of the spine and torso.
Compress and massage the organs helps rinse fresh fluids into the tissues.
Reclining your twist allows you to add relaxation into the shape. The reclined twist accesses gravity to help hold the shape, which means that you can relax muscle. The more you are able to relax the deeper the stretch moves into the center of the body.

You can apply a RAVI weighted blanket to a reclined twist in several ways.
Anchor: as an anchor to hold part of the body to the ground
Torque: as a torque to press part of the body not on the ground towards the ground
Ground: as a hug to wrap the body without the aspect of helping to hold the shape
Support: under the body as a mold-able prop to support part of the pose

Laying down on the back, stretch out the arms to the sides so the body looks like a T. Add a long-tube-folded RAVI along 1 arm with the tubes running from the shoulder to the wrist. Draw the knees in and roll them towards the light side – away from the heavy arm. The RAVI helps to anchor the arm on the ground with less effort from muscle.

If the knees don’t fall completely to the ground you can add a RAVI along the upper thigh. When RAVI is placed closer to the hips/center of the body there is more of a sense of grounding/hug. The further the RAVI is moved away from the center – towards the knee, the sensation will become more torque like. Once the torque presses the legs to touch the ground, the RAVI takes the roll of anchor again.
Torque implies that there is space to move and Anchor implies that there is a connection to the ground that is held.

Placing the RAVI on the body without it adding pressure to the stretch and has more of a hugging sensation. 1 example in reclined twist is placing the RAVI on the hip/torso. The weight is not enhancing the stretch, however the hugging sensation can enhance the shape through calming the nervous system. When you feel relaxed and comfortable the tendency is to relax longer. Reclined Twist is a pose that shows more benefit over length of time.

RAVI can also be used to support the body. Rolling a RAVI to place under a shoulder or between the knees. In this instance RAVI is being used as a mold-able prop that assists by holding you up, instead of holding you down.